Entries by Michael Fogel

You Must Stay Invested To Make Money

Even when the markets are perfectly calm, there is always a headline that evokes concerns about a recession. The Greek default, toxic Chinese debt, and Brexit are all recent phenomena that have induced doubts about the livelihood of this record bull market. These uneasy events are inevitable, but you have to hang in there and […]

There Is No Shortcut In Investing

Many people tend to look for shortcuts when investing and often turn to Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). ETFs are low priced investment funds traded on stock exchanges that track the performance of the overall financial market or parts of the market. Many believe that ETFs are a promised shortcut because they mirror the market at […]

How Your Business Can Pay For Your Retirement

No matter what size business you own, a corporate retirement plan is the best way to build wealth for retirement, save money on taxes, and retain talented employees. Many business owners, however, shiver at the thought of a corporate retirement plan, such as a 401(k), because they associate it with being too expensive. This is […]

Invest In Master Limited Partnerships With Caution

Your investment opportunities in a stock exchange are not limited to only stocks and ETF’s. There are several investment options out there and an important one to know is Master Limited Partnerships (MLP). An MLP is a publicly traded limited partnership, which combines the tax benefits of a limited partnership with the liquidity of a […]

Use These Indicators To Predict Stock Market Behavior

In order to invest with success, it pays to understand indicators that predict what the state of the economy will be. These indicators primarily focus on the macroeconomic effects of events, think big-picture. However, as an investor, you should not only be directly concerned with what the economy will do, but also with what the […]

How Currencies Can Create Crisis

Reach into your wallet and pull out a dollar bill. That bill is a medium of exchange built upon trust. If one day nobody were to trust the U.S. dollar as a medium of exchange, the crisp dollar bill in your hand would be nothing but fancy toilet paper. It happened to Germany after WWI. […]

Buying Opportunities In The Bond Market

As an investor, it is important to understand how interest rates affect bonds. Once you understand this relationship, you can keep a keen eye on the Federal Reserve’s adjustments of interest rates to identify a buying opportunity. The Great Bond Massacre of 1994 is a great example of this investing lesson. During the 1990s, the […]

Taking Advantage of Market Declines

On October 19, 1987, Wall Street watched with disbelief as the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged a near 23%, giving birth to the event that is now referred to as Black Monday. This crash sparked fear among investors about the certainty of markets as it was the largest single-day stock market collapse of its time. […]